Tuesday, June 30, 2009

its been a while

So it has been a few months since I visited my blog. Its shameful I know, but so many things have been happening that the thought of trying to put just a few of them in words seemed overwhelming.
Two amazing things - I graduate from college. Ohhh, yes I have my bachelor's degree. I finally earned that single line on my resume, that took me a few years and some gray hairs. I am still looking, two months later, after hitting up every contact I still have no leads for a job.
Number two- I got married last weekend to the love of my life. I am now a wife, which changes nothing. Im still with the person I have been with for the last three years, I still love him the same amount and I am equally committed. One thing has changed- I can now call him my husband, and believe me I dothat every chance I get.
I have been interning for Runway Magazine LA, which has been a great dissapointment but at least I learned one thing- how to control the smoke coming out of my ears...