Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wedding bliss...

Ahhhh, Paris can't get better then this! walking down the street and seeing windows of magical wedding gowns made me want to get married all over again..

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Loving my temp diet

I can't say that I could ever run out of reasons why I love Paris but I gotta say, the macaroons make this city that much sweeter to be in..these amazing temptations were on every corner!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Ibiza, Spain- a party island with style

So I tagged along with a friend to Ibiza, Spain last week. No, I did not know it was a party island and yes I was not prepared! At first I did not hope to see any interesting self expressions since the most obvious wardrobe choice was, well, none at all. The tiniest speedos and topless bikinis were not much too look at (some might say, only fashion wise). I did however see a surprisingly chic trend among tourists and the locals. These amazing " pantalones" that looked fabulous on any shape or size. I snapped a picture of a fellow traveler and then ran off to buy a version for myself.