Saturday, February 6, 2010

A wet comeback

So I have decided to not let a little thing like no followers stop me from not writing my blog. Ok, so there is one other thing--NO MOTIVATION. The last few months have not been fields of daisies for me. My sweet grandpa passed away and I felt like I lost a part of me. Couple of months later I lost my dad, right before the holidays. This blew my whole world into a billion pieces. I never thought I could feel this empty inside and have been struggling finding myself lately. I guess inspirations for writing have been hard for me to come across..But I make a promise today, to myself (and my three followers, that consist of my sweet sister, loyal husband and a dear friend)--I will write more. I will rise to the challenge. My own challenge that seems to come to me as a huge wave, trying to drown me in nothing but hesitation. I will dive under that wave and come out wet, yet undefeated! (Ok, perhaps I overdid it on the analogy, but you get my point..)
For now,I say good night to you, my sweet computer screen and vow to return soon...

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