Monday, September 13, 2010

Locks of Love

Some may not know this, but I used to do any hair shows a few years back. That is how I went from my natural blond (that's right, I said blond) to red, green, blue and then totally black. I had very long hair, then a bob then a few more symmetrical experiments...let's just say I love hair and what a woman (or a man) can do with it. Lucky me- a friend of mine is organizing an amazing event where a team of Paul Mitchell of Alhambra will be displaying an exhibition of hair in its many forms. Come hang out with me, next Saturday and check out Catherine Asanov, an amazing style photographer and her installation called "Action in Stillness". Fantastic artists and great company (that's me, of course!)-- what more can you ask for..Join me and lets have a fabulous evening.

The Kantor Gallery
Saturday, September 18th
7025 Melrose ave, LA

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